A Kiss from Mary Pickford


A Kiss from Mary Pickford
Sergei Komarov
1927 [release]
It is a Soviet silent comedy. It is famous due to its cameos by Pickford and Fairbanks. The footage of the couple was shot when they visited USSR. They obliged their cameos as a gesture to their love for the Russian film industry.
Plot - 'Goga is a Russian man who has no luck with women. He has a chance meeting with Mary Pickford. She kisses him in full view of several and he instantly becomes attractive to them.'
Fairbanks in Russia
Fairbanks in - 'A Kiss from Mary Pickford'
Scholarly Significance
This shows their relevance to film. Although Fairbanks only has a cameo in the film, his face is on the posters. This shows his stardom and importance not just in Hollywood but as a star in Russia. He represents the wealthy, influential movie star who travelled to USSR and drew crowds to see him.
The films development centres around Pickford and Fairbanks who are small roles but are felt throughout the film as important figures.
Their roles show a perspective of the audience of wanting to meet their 'heroes'. It puts Fairbanks on a podium of being an influential star.
His good looks are prominent as one character is smitten with him which furthers his swashbuckling, rugged smart look which is a clear indicator of what type of actor he is. His heterosexuality is furthered by his marriage to the perhaps most famous woman of the 1910s and 1920s. This implies he has a charm and ability to win the best of the best. As if a trophy.
Alex Bartholomew