The Inverell Times - Douglas Fairbanks clipping


The Inverell Times - Douglas Fairbanks clipping
Inverell Times
The Inverell Times is an English newspaper published in New South Wales Australia.
The small article in this broadsheet newspaper encourages readers to watch the 'Mollycoddle' in theatres. Released in 1920 the 'Mollycoddle's' longevity has meant screenings in December 1923 in Australia.
The article describes Douglas Fairbanks' film as 'his special production'. This implies he not only stars but also had influence in the making of the film.
Although the article is small it is on page five of the paper . This implies its importance as it is nearer the front where it will more likely been seen.
Scholarly Significance
This longevity of the film has meant it being screened two years after release and around the world in Australia. It shows the worldwide stardom of Douglas Fairbanks.
Fairbanks did indeed have an influence in the making of 'Mollycoddle', he actually was producer, star, screenwriter and part owner of the distribution company United Artists. His Hollywood influence was great and this could be seen through his worldwide fame and acclaim.
He represents a clear American identity of a capitalist who is a private owner making profit in the countries media system.
Mollycoddle Info
New South Wales
National Library of Australia
News article - 183550172
Alex Bartholomew